Sign In to Your Programme
Get the login link directly to your programme. The link will look like “”
Alternatively, you can use the generic login link to access the programme

Either login link will take you to a login page where you can type in your email address and password to access your programme page.
Edit your Profile
Find the Edit Profile button on either your Overview Page or Mentorship Dashboard. By clicking on it you will be taken to the Edit Profile page

You can add in your profile details in the “Profile & Account” section. You can add in details of your mentorship such as interests and skills and industries in the “Mentorship” section

Changing your Password
In the Edit Profile page, click on the Security tab to access the Security Section

In the Change Password section, add your new password in the Change Password and Confirm Password section. Remember to include your current password in the current password section as well before clicking the “Update Password” button

Accessing your Programme Agenda
You can view the agenda for your programme in the Programme Overview page as shown below. Click on each agenda card as outlined to get more information.

Accessing your Mentorship Dashboard
You can access your mentorship dashboard from the programme overview page by clicking on the “Carry Out Mentorships” button as outlined below:

You can also access your mentorship dashboard from the Mentorship Tab as outlined below. Make sure to have your mouse hovered over the “Mentorship” tab for the selection to appear:

Setting up your Availability
You can setup your mentoring availability in the “Availability Settings” page. On the “Mentorship Dashboard” page, click on the “Manage your Availability” button as outlined below:

Setting your Timezone
In the “Availability Settings” page, set your timezone here to avoid any confusion in regards to scheduling across timezones

Setting your Timeslots
You can set your mentoring timeslots on a weekly basis or in specific timeslots.

Click on “+ Add Timeslot” to set the timeslot and click the “Add” button once you are done

Set Mentorship Limits
You can limit the number of mentees who can reach out to you in your programme. Click on the “Set Up Mentorship Limit” tab to expand the section

This will show the number of mentee connections you currently have on the programme. By adding a connection limit number that’s higher than your current number of connections, you can allow more mentees to reach out to you.
Set it to “Zero (0)” to allow an unlimited number of connection requests.

Set Contact Methods
You can your contact methods as well in the availability settings page, click on the “Contact Methods” section to expand it and set what modes of communication you prefer for your mentoring session. Your mentees can only select your preferred contact methods in their session requests.

Viewing your Mentees
You can find your mentees in the “Mentorship Dashboard” page. Mentees will be suggested to you as shown in the screenshot below based on what you fill up in your profile.

You can click on the mentee name under a mentee card in order to view their profile details. You can message mentees in their profiles to start conversations.

Receiving Session Requests from a Mentee
You will receive an email and a system notification informing you that a mentee has requested for a session with you. All your session requests to the mentors will be viewable under the “Appointments” page. To access it, hover your mouse over to the “Mentorship” tab and click on “Appointments”.

In the “Appointments” page, you will see all your scheduled sessions under various statuses:
Pending your Approval -Session requested by mentee has yet to be accepted, you need to accept it in order for it to be confirmed
Confirmed - You have accepted the session request, you can proceed to the session room at the scheduled time
Pending Accept - Mentee has yet to accept the session. This occurs should you decide to reschedule with the mentee
Completed - You have successfully completed the session
Pending Review - Mentee has yet to rate your session
Click on the “View Details” button or the “â‹®” in any of your session cards to view more details about the session scheduled

Accepting Session Requests
To carry out a session requested by a mentee, you need to accept it first. In the “Appointments” page, you can click on the “Accept Booking” button next to any of the session request cards outlined to confirm it.

Carrying out your Confirmed Session
After accepting the session request, you can then carry out your session in the Appointments page by clicking on the “Join Session Room” button.

Using the FutureLab Videocall Tool
The FutureLab Videocall Tool provides additional features that complements your mentoring experience such as the task list for keeping track of your mentee's progress and task lists. Click on the icon as outlined in the videocall screenshot below to open up the task list.

Once the task list is open, click on the "Add Task" or "Add Resource" button to take note of what was discussed in your session. It will be saved into the system for your reference later! Both you and your mentee can see what was saved.

Rating your Session
Once you have carried out the session, you can rate your sessions on the appointments page after marking the session as complete. If your session has yet to be completed, open up the session details by clicking on the “â‹®” and then on the “Complete Booking” button.

You can then click the “Rate Now” button under the “Completed” tab to rate the session based on the set criteria

Once your mentee has rated the session, the session will be considered completed and details can be viewed under the “Appointments page”
Logging an Offline Session
Even if you had an impromptu session with your mentee outside of the platform, it is recommended to log it in your programme to help measure your progress. In the “Mentorship Dashboard” page, click on the “Log Offline Session” button to start logging the session.

You will be asked to insert the details of the session including the date and time, and then you can rate the session as if it were a normal session scheduled.